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  • Torc Tech TW-S45 Hydraulic Torque Wrench
  • Torc Tech TW-S45 Hydraulic Torque Wrench

Torc-Tech TW-S45 Hydraulic Torque Wrench

4.500 N.m Hydraulic Torque Wrench, ±%3, Square Drive 1”

Model TW-S45
Accuracy ±3%
Capacity max. 4.500 N.m
Capacity min. 450  N.m
Square Drive 1”
Work. pressure 700 bar
Tool Weight 4.6 kg
Reaction Arm 360 x 180 ° rotatable
Function Tighteening - Loosening
Tool Material Aluminum
Calib. Cert. Supplied with the tool
Brand - Manufac. Torc-Tech / Wren Tools Ltd
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General product informationFeatures

  • Constantly repeated accuracy ±3%
  • Maximum capacity 36.000 N.m
  • Minimum capacity 170 N.m
  • Square drive 5 different model
  • Lightweight made of aluminium
  • 360°x180° multi-positional swivel
  • Quick relaese coupling connection
  • 360° rotatable, lockable reaction arm
  • Easy changable square & hex drives
  • Torque pressure table graved on body
  • Designed for heavy duty application
  • Simple drive assembly, less downtime

Product technical specificationsTechnical Specifications

Torc Tech TW-S Series Hydraulic Torque Wrenches [170-36.000 Nm]

Torc-Tech,  TWS series configured to tighten and loosen nuts requiring accurate high torque during bolt tightening and maximum torque during bolt loosening. 360° x 180° multi-positional connection port allows free operation and easy  ergonomic use.

Adjustable reaction arm with 60 positions in 360° - 180° rotation. Easy positioning that provides the maximum torque at any angle.

Reaction pawl prevents the backward movement, enhances efficiency and torque accuracy.

Pressure-Torque cross table on the body cover for quicker checking of torque value.

Model Torque Range Square Drive Tool Weight Dimensions
# N.m inches kg L1 L2 H1 H2 H3 H4 R
TW-S17 170 - 1750 3/4 " 2 129 167 51 73 90 131 25
TW-S45 450 - 4500 1 " 4.6 167 218 68 98 121 170 34
TW-S100 1000-10.000 1.1/2 " 10 223 293 92 135 163 211 46
TW-S150 1500 - 15.000 1.1/2 " 14.8 264 323 100 141 177 225 50
TW-S370 3.600 -36.000 2.1/2 " 32.5 329 432 137 104 240 288 66

 Torc Tech TW-S45 Hydraulic Torque Wrench Spare Parts List

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