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Torc-Tech 8IBT Hydraulic Torque Wrench

10.700 N.m Hydraulic Torque Wrench, ±%3, Square Drive 1.1/2”

Model 8IBT 
Accuracy ±3%
Capacity max. 10.700 N.m
Capacity min. 1.000 N.m
Square Drive 1.1/2”
Work. pressure 700 bar
Tool Weight 11 kg
Tool type Socket torque wrench
Function Tighteening - Loosening
Tool Material Aluminum - Titanium
Calib. Cert. Supplied with the tool
Brand - Manufac. Torc-Tech / Wren Tools Ltd
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General product informationFeatures

IBT Series Hydraulic Torque Wrench General Features 

  • Repeated accuracy ±3%
  • Minimum Capacity 110 N.m
  • Maximum Capacity 72.000 N.m
  • Square drive tool in 10 models
  • Aluminium-titanium solid body
  • 360° x 180° rotatable  oil inlet port
  • Torque table lasered on the body
  • Proven quality for heavy duty operations
  • Easily replaceable square & hex drives
  • 360° rotatable reaction arm with lock feature
  • Fitted with screw realase couplings with lock mechanism


Product technical specificationsTechnical Specifications

Torc-Tech IBT Hydraulic Torque Wrenches [1.100 - 72.000 N.m]

Model Capacity (N.m) Drive Weight L1 L2 L3 H1 H2 H3 H4 R1 R2 R3
No Max. Min. inch Kg Sizes  (mm)
07 IBT 1.100 110 3/4”  1.8  110.8  139.3  46 42  65.8  76.2  108.1  20.5  68.3 54
1 IBT  1.800  180  3/4”- 1”   2.5 144.5 173.5 55 50  72  96  131  26  85 66.5
3 IBT  4.500  450  1”   178  229  75 68  95  127  176.5  34  114 89.5
5 IBT  7.500  750  1.1/2”  210.5  270.5  87 80  123  149  199  39  137 100
8 IBT  10.700  1.000  1.1/2” 11  222  293  88 90  134  167  217  47  153 120
10 IBT  15.500  1.550  1.1/2”  15  245.5  317.5 105 100  142  182  232  51  154 128
20 IBT  26.600  2.600  2.1/2”  26.5  307.5  383.5  127 120  183  220  270  59  186 153
25 IBT  34.700  3.400  2.1/2” 35  323  401  130 137  200  247  297  66  199 159.3
35 IBT  48.700  4.800  2.1/2”  50  372.5  496.5  135 153  216  282  332  77  241 167
50 IBT  72.000  7.200  2.1/2”  87  400  516  160 160  223  291  341  81  259 178


Torc-Tech 8IBT Hydraulic Torque Wrench Exploded Drawings and Spare Parts List

8IBT Hydraulic Torque Wrench Spare Parts List

Torc Tech IBT Series Hydraulic Torque Wrench Spare Parts Picture

Torc-Tech IBT Series Hydraulic Torque Wrnech Spare Parts Picture



Torc Tech IBT Series Hydraulic Torque Wrenches - PDF 


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