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Hazet 5290-3CT Torque Wrench

10 - 60 Nm Hazet Insert Torque Wrench, 9 x 12 mm, Accuracy ±3%

Hazet Code 5290-3CT
Torque range 10 - 60 Nm
Accuracy ±3%
Female Drive 9x12 mm
Scale graduation 0.5 N.m
Total length 291 mm 
Actuating Force 3.7 - 23.4 kg
Total Weight 0.38 kg
House Calibration Available
Acrr. Calibration On Option
Standart ISO 6789-2:2017
Brand / Origin Hazet - Germany
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General product informationFeatures


  • 10 - 60 Nm range covered model
  • Torque accuracy ±3% of scale value 
  • Interchangeable model 9x12 mm
  • Suitable for square drive ratchet
  • Designed for rough workshop use
  • Easy to read – high contrast scale
  • Torque audible “click” sound
  • Designed for automotiv workshop applications
  • Supplied with House calibration certificate 
  • Delivered in protecting  plastic safe box 


Product technical specificationsTechnical Specifications

Hazet 5000-3CT Insert Torque Wrench

Hazet Torque Range  Female Drive Accurancy Resolution L1 L a b Weight
Code N.m mm % N.m mm mm mm mm kg
5280-3CT 2,5-25 9x12 3% 0,25 172 218 17 22 1,3-14,3
5290-3CT 10-60 9x12 3% 0,5 245 291 17 22 3,7-23,4
5292-3CT 40-200 14x18 3% 1 442 484 23 30 8,9-46,6


Hazet 5000-3CT insert drive torque wrenches consist of three types of product with an accuracy of ±3%. Torque wrenches with 9x12 mm rectangular entry have a maximum capacity of 60 Nm, and torque wrenches with 14x18 mm rectangular entry have a maximum capacity of 200 Nm. Hazet inserts drive torque wrenches are available with accessory options such as insert open–end wrench, insert reversible ratchet for bits, insert box-end wrench –open, and insert box-end wrench. 500-3CT insert drive torque wrenches are frequently preferred products in tire and bicycle services, as well as in the automotive and industrial sectors, for controlled screw tightening applications.


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