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  • Hazet  6294-1CT Torque Wrench
  • Hazet  6294-1CT Torque Wrench
  • Hazet  6294-1CT Torque Wrench
  • Hazet  6294-1CT Torque Wrench

Hazet 6294-1CT Torque Wrench

100 - 400 Nm Hazet Torque Wrench, Accuracy ±2%, Drive 14x18mm

Hazet Code 6294 - 1CT
Torque range 100 - 400 N.m
Accuracy ± 2%
Square drive 14x18 mm
Scale graduation 2,5 N.m
Total length 718mm 
Actuating force 14.7 - 59.9 kg
Tool weight 2.7 kg
HS Code 8204.20.00
House calibration Available
Standart  ISO 6789-2:2017


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General product informationFeatures

  • Accuracy ±2% of scale value
  • 2- 500 Nm range covered by 10 models
  • Interchangeable inserts 9x12 or 14x18mm
  • Open end, ring end, open ring end  & ratchet
  • Tested in accordance with ISO 6789-2-2017
  • Easy and safe adjustment of desired torque
  • Durable for tightening and loosining operations
  • Torque release palable and audible “click” sound
  • Designed for high accuracy torque applications
  • Easy replacable and fixable insert mechanism
  • House calibration certificate with serial number

Product technical specificationsTechnical Specifications

Hazet Female Torque Wrenches [2 - 500 Nm]

Hazet Torque Range Female Drive Accuracy Length Resolution Force a b Weight
Code N.m mm % mm N.m Kg mm mm kg
6280-1-CT 2 - 10 9 x 12 ± %2 180 0,2 1.3 - 1.6 17 22 0,3
6281-2-CT 2 - 13 9 x 12 ± %4 125,4 0,2 4.4 - 11.8 17 22 0,3
6282-1-CT 4 - 40 9 x 12 ± %2 240 0,4 1.9 - 19.8 17 22 0,4
6290-1-CT 5 - 60 9 x 12 ± %2 305 0,5 1.8 - 23.1 17 22 0,5
6291-2-CT 20 - 120 9 x 12 ± %2 388 1 5.9 - 36.7 18 23 0,9
6291-1-CT 20 - 120 14 X 18 ± %2 400 1 5.6 - 34.7 23 30 0,9
6292-1-CT 40 - 200 14 X 18 ± %2 510 1 10.8 - 44.9 23 30 1,1
6293-1-CT 60 - 320 14 X 18 ± %2 620 2 10.3 - 56.8 23 30 1,3
6294-1-CT 100 - 400 14 X 18 ± %2 718 2,5 14.7 - 59.9 * 35,5 2,7
6295-1-CT 200 - 500 14 X 18 ± %2 962 2,5 21.8 - 55.1 * 35,5 4,3
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